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H2O NO! Water, water everywhere!

Quick, grab a towel!

Whether it’s a washer overflowing, a sink accidentally left on or a pipe that burst, any excess of water that has affected a property can cause secondary damages if not addressed quickly. The faster that property owners react once water damage is encountered, the more likely that a structure can be dried rather than removed.

Secondary damages can include:

  • Water wicking up drywall, cabinetry and other nearby structures

  • Microbial growth

  • Rot

  • Damage to contents such as papers, boxes or any other personal property that may be near the water source

Often property owners don’t have the luxury of quick response if no one was around when the source of the problem started. However, it is critical that property owners act quickly once the water is discovered and select a vendor to dry the property, especially to ensure they are within the limits of insurance response times. Additionally, while it’s important that property owners act quickly, it’s just as important that the vendor acts quickly to get started on the drying process.

Our team of certified water damage professionals are available 24 hours a day/7 days a week to address emergencies.

How do we dry it?

Identify the source

This step is often skipped because the focus is on drying the structure. However, identifying the source of the water is the key to ensuring that the water damage won’t continue to spread and that drying techniques will be successful. Our team of experts are not only experts in drying water, we act as investigators to stop the water. We work with a wide network of trusted partners to recommend how to fix the source, whether it’s fixing a plumbing leak or diverting exterior water. If it’s clear where the water is coming from (such as a washer overflowing or visible pipe burst) property owners can get a jump on the drying process by calling in a plumber. However, if you don’t know who to call, we can get someone on site quickly to address the source.

Determine approach

Once the source has been fixed, the next step is to determine the best approach to drying based on the extent of the damage. Our team of experts works to identify the fastest and most cost effective path to a dry standard while minimizing the impact to the structure wherever possible. Whether it’s demolition/removal or drying the team will communicate with property owners their approach and get started with the drying process as quickly as possible.

Dry it

Once the approach has been identified, the team gets started removing any elements that can’t be dried quickly and then utilizing a scientific drying method – H.A.T (Humidity, Air, and Temperature) – to dry out the structure. This may involve utilizing fans and forcing heat into sealed cavities. Regardless of the method selected, our certified team of experts will utilize the best techniques available to monitor the drying process, getting it back to dry as fast as possible.

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